- Canadian patent granted in October
- Flight tests with helicopters showed significant power optimization
- Flight tests with a motorized fixed wing aircraft proved:
– substantial amelioration of the lift/drag ratio
– lower required driving power
– optimized stall characteristics
- During the World Climate Summit in Paris in December, a fixed wing aircraft project equipped with SilentEcoWing tips was presented.
- US patent granted in December
- Test runs with a helicopter, whose M/R blades were modified with SilentEcoWing tips, show a torque saving of appr. 6 percent.
- EWEA Vienna.
- Parametrisation / adaption of SilentEcoWing to different airfoiles.
- Minister of Science Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle visited our company.
- Presentation at HELI EXPO Dallas. First contact with international helicopter companies.
- Wind tunnel tests at Technical University Munich. Confirmation of higher lift coefficients and of the reduction of drag coefficients with the use of SilentEcoWing-modified blade tips.
- International patent application.
- Austrian patent application.
- Optimization of shape and arrangement for the current SilentEcoWing solution.
- Further tests with various surface structures as well as blade and blade tip geometries, without achieving substantial improvements.
- First tests with bionics derivations of bird’s wing ends.
- Construction of various test models. Tests show significant improvements.
- Tests with various surface structures, including 3M aerodynamic drag reduction tape.
From 1995 on
- Engagement with the subject of noise development at wing profiles.